
Platform connects artists and entrepreneurs with charities for joint fundraising


Over the years we’ve featured numerous crowd-funding initiatives, and back in January we discovered 33needs which focuses entirely on social enterprises. In a similar ethical vein, US-based HelpersUnite is a social platform that enables entrepreneurs, charitable causes and events to raise funds and awareness, by linking them together on one site.

Entrepreneurs and creative initiatives can post their project proposals for free to HelpersUnite. Once the proposal has been approved, they can add a pitch, photos and videos, which will be displayed on the site for 120 days for the public to fund. All projects must select a charity that will benefit from their funding, but can choose the percentage that they donate. Social media integration, personal connections and a network of helpers can be utilized to drum up support. Charitable causes can also create a profile, which enables them to accept general donations, and connect with the HelpersUnite community and project creators looking for a cause to support.

The HelpersUnite events platform, meanwhile, helps people hosting events that may be too large to sell tickets off-line, but too small for “big-ticket” venues. Event creators must also select a cause to support, and will then have access to the HelpersUnite community to promote the event. Anyone can help fund projects, causes or attend events, and users can search the site by category, locality, how close a project is to being funded, and how recently a project has been added. HelpersUnite will receive nine percent of project and cause funding, and seven percent of ticket sales.

Scope here for other groups and organizations to be collected in to one online space to enjoy mutual benefits?

Website: www.helpersunite.com
Contact: www.helpersunite.com/contact-us

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